Literary Advent Calendar

Yes, it is the time of year to expect Christmas posts!  I am always looking for a fun way to count down to Christmas.  We’ve tried drawers fill with treats, a chalkboard santa, and we have a wooden santa with number blocks.  However, using books is my favorite advent activity to date.  I came across this idea on Pinterest and we tried it last year for the first time.

The idea is to wrap 24 Christmas books and place them near the Christmas tree.  Each day, the family opens one of the packages and reads the book inside.  Last year, I numbered the packages so that we would end up with The Polar Express or Twas the Night Before Christmas on the days closest to Christmas.  That got confusing.  This year, I think I will just wrap and let the boys choose a book.

What I love about this is that you can not only read old favorites every year, but you can also read some new stories as well.  I have two different lists of Christmas books pinned here and here.  Because we also stress the importance of Jesus, I have a mixture of nativity based stories and santa based stories.  As you can see, the library is my friend!


This is a tradition that I love.  We tend to mix our own books with library books.  One suggestion is to look for some lesser known books from the library so that you don’t run the risk of not being able to renew them if you haven’t read them before the due date.  I’ll write a later post about the books we plan to use this year.

What is your favorite advent activity?

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